Warning - Don't read this book if all you want to do is stay the same.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza reads like an owner's manual for your mind and how to change your life.
In the first part of the book, Dr. Joe explains the science of how we become addicted to who we are. He discusses how the environment, our bodies and time condition us into the personalities that we are and that those personalities create our personal reality. He backs this up by teaching us how three parts of our brain, the neocortex, limbic brain and cerebellum all contribute to memories, knowledge and emotions.
Most importantly, Dr. Joe provides a step-by-step guide to break the bonds of being ourselves.
Dr. Joe like many other great thought leaders of today and yesterday insist that to transcend the mind and body that keep you stuck in career, in your relationships, in your life that you must spend some time tapping into a larger consciousness. This is done through meditation. A series of steps are outlined to allow the reader to begin to tap into the subconscious including induction, a progressive technique used in hypnotherapy that leads a person into a deeper state of relaxation. By following these steps, the reader is able to release negative thinking, doing and being as well a create new ways of being, thinking and doing.
It's interesting to note that many of the steps in the book,
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, are similar to the steps of other recovery programs. Dr. Joe even uses the term 'surrender':
You can't both surrender and try to control the outcome. Surrender requires that you give up what you think you know from your limited mind, especially your belief about how this problem in your life should be taken care of. To truly surrender is to let go of the ego's control; trust in an outcome that you haven't thought of yet; and allow this all-knowing, loving intelligence to take over and provide the best solution for you.
Dr. Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.