In the past 5 years, I submitted dozens and dozens of resumes in an attempt to return to the legal world as a legal assistant. My motivation was money. In the three months before I left Ohio, that number increased. Out of all the applications and resumes, only one call came. It was a call, not a job offer.
Repeating History
It took me a month or so to settle down emotionally to even begin looking for work after I arrived on the west coast. The prime motivator was fear. In a flurry of activity, I spent hours scouring he job sites for the Seattle area, looking for work in an office environment. I didn't want to return to the legal world, so I applied for any place that was looking for an administrative assistant. Each ad I answered contained words like - self starter, fast paced, career, motivated, multi-tasking, team player . . . all the lingo associated with finding just the right employee for the position.
I received some very nice thank you for submitting your application emails but no job offers; not even an invitation to interview. My anxiety mounted.
And then I stopped.
A Moment of Clarity
The truth was that I didn't want to return to an office environment, sitting at a desk all day. I didn't want a career in an energy corporation; all I wanted was a part-time job to cover my expenses while I was waiting for my Washington state massage therapy license. I was willing to wait tables, sell coffee, be a cashier, whatever it took on a temporary basis and I wanted to work with products or services that I loved. The companies that I loved that would offer part-time jobs was a short list:
- Starbucks
- Whole Foods
- Panera Bread
- White House|Black Market
I immediately applied to those places on-line. A few days later (at the advice of my son), I printed out some resumes with the intention of showing up in person and introducing myself. Little did I know how difficult that would be.
Coaching Questions
If you're job hunting, I invite you to search for your truth about that process by asking yourself a few questions:
- Am I applying for jobs that I want?
- Is my career really what I want to do?
- Is fear my motivating factor?
- Do I believe that jobs are scarce?